Yay! For us not to be ungrateful : Among the great things that happen to the G (all these construction works scheduled etc) I want to mention that Classon's Railings got painted. That's it. I think that this is Great News.
Cold and Scared I stand on the platform and I really ask myself how I manage -almost every single rainy day- to stand exactly under the spot where the ceiling is dripping. Either the "dripping spots" are too many, either I am damn absent-minded. When it is raining I am thinking of what the problem with the Subway ceilings might be, this is not only about the G. It also feels nice looking up and realizing that these drops are poetically nasty. Super Nasty.
While waiting for the G, I decided for the first time to read why the service is changed."G will undergo extensive track improvements, which includes removing the old concrete track foundation and replacing it with a new one". Hell yeah. Now I know. :)